To College & Beyond - Supporting "The Journey"

In our current environment, the journey to launching teens to college has become even more challenging. At JSRC Group in Stamford and Westport, CT, we are in a unique position to use our combined parenting and therapy expertise to help clients navigate stressors both in person and via tele-therapy. Technology, substances, balancing classwork and relationships and, now COVID-19 and the introduction of virtual learning, often find us meeting with teens and their families. As Marriage and Family Therapists, we see launching kids to adulthood as one the most important roles we have as parents. At JSRC, we are here to support the journey to college and beyond.

Our team works to understand how families can support their teens and college students from an appropriate standpoint developmentally, in order to encourage independence and foster responsibility, while supporting the essential tie to home and family of origin. We understand this is a very exciting and emotional event, and we understand the unique challenges and difficulties causing disappointments related to the current environment. We work with college students, as well as high school students moving toward colleges, and families together as needed, and this work is core to our practice and work that we truly value and enjoy.

Our Offerings

At JSRC Group, we utilize tele-therapy or meet in person to work with college students, high school students moving toward college, and their families as needed, to support the launching of kids successfully to college. We find that virtual appointments can allow students more schedule flexibility and eliminates barriers of convenience and comfort. We tailor our work and the goals of therapy to the unique needs of the families we work with, ensuring a safe, informed and supportive environment throughout the process.

  • Anxiety management tools
  • Assistance balancing school work and personal issues
  • Relationship management tools
  • Conflict resolution within families
  • Transition to college planning
  • Navigating distance learning
  • Tools to navigate the specific challenges of COVID-19 to learning environments
  • Assistance balancing independence and responsibility while adjusting to ‘college from home’
  • Learning tools to make informed decisions
  • Goal setting specific to individual strengths
  • Building interview and career planning skills

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